Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Beyond the Christian Side: Worship Isn’t Just Music

I once read a comment, I think it was on Youtube, of someone scolding Brooke Frasier for leaving behind her Christian roots as an artist.  For those of you who dont know of Brooke Frasier you are seriously missing out.  As far as my knowledge serves me, she got her start as one of the worship leaders connected with Hillsong.  She eventually branched out and recorded some truly fantastic solo stuff, stepping in to the secular music industry for her more recent releases.  How is writing and recording secular music "stepping away from her Christian roots"?

Worship is so much more than just music.  It's more than "church music".  To be totally honest with you, I find most Christian music to be a complete and total snooze fest so when I find great music outside the realm of the "Christian" genre, I latch on to it very quickly.  But does writing and performing secular music mean your stepping outside of Gods annointing on your life?  I actually think it means the opposite.

Who was it that Jesus spent time with?  Did he only connect with the "church folk"?  I'll just let that question stew and leave you with this...

As a follower and lover of Jesus, wouldn't it be selfish to box in the creativity God designed in you?

Here is a fantastic article from Relevant Magazine surrounding worship leader, and songwriter, Misty Edwards.

Misty Edwards knows how to write a worship song. She has written a decade’s worth of them in her role as a worship leader at the International House of Prayer. But with seven traditional worship albums behind her, Edwards is exploring a different side with her new release, Little Bird.