Thursday, March 5, 2015

Throwback Thursday: The O.C. Supertones

I was one of those kids who listened to things that most other kids my age didn't really dig all that much.  I remember bringing a Clark Terry record in to a jazz band rehearsal in middle school, so excited to share his "mumbles" style of scat with everyone.  When they heard it, I felt like I was being stared down by a Muppet.
While my band mates didnt get it, I still knew in my gut that I was falling more and more in love with Jazz.  As I continued my ravenous hunt for more musical deliciousness, I was introduced to a sound that combined some interesting things.  An old buddy of mine described it as Reggae being smashed together with Rock, and Funk.  He called it "Ska".  When I heard that, I'm sure I looked similar to a skeptical dog that was just invited to eat the left overs off your plate.
Needless to say, I had to listen, and when I did, my face about melted off from all the joy that was blasting my ears.

So here's to you O.C. Supertones.  I'm sad you guys aren't doing much these days but I've LOVED the incredible music you've given all of us. 

Here's my favorite album: