Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I Don't Care: A Hymn is a Song is a Pslam

Ok kids, lets either agree to disagree or at least play nice... This probably isnt really that violent of an issue in the church but it is one that I've run in to countless times in churches of every type, size, and age group.

"Zach, why don't you do more traditional hymns?"

"Man! We need to stay relevant and get down with the newest Jesus Culture album!"

"I'm afraid of change... Can we just sing Shout to the Lord again?"

As a worship leader it can be a HUGE challenge trying to please every audience.  Some church cultures have a very contemporary feel, City Church (Pastor Judah Smith) is a great example.  They have a very contemporary and cutting edge sound but that sound doesn't appeal to everyone.  Nor does the traditional hymn appeal to the contemporary worshiper.  So how in the name of Pete (whoever Pete is, he must be important) can we please everyone?  Let me tune you in to a little secret I've learned to operate on...

I. Don't. Care.

That's right!  I threw care to the wind years ago when I realized something.  King David is one of the more famous musicians and songwriters we've heard about right?  He's known as the psalmist.  Well, that being said, doesn't that make any worship leader who writes songs a psalmist?  That means that, new and old, these songs are modern day psalms.  So why would I, as a worship leader, limit myself to one particular pocket of songs?  I want to experience the full spectrum of the music available to me and that means tapping in to everything from Phillip Paul Bliss, to David Crowder, to Robert Lowry, to Israel Houghton and so many more!

So my friends, this is where my "I don't care" attitude comes from.  i just refuse to box myself, as a worship leader and songwriter, in to the personal preferences of a few when there is such a massive tapestry of psalms available to us. 

A hymn is a song is a psalm.
They are the same.