Thursday, March 26, 2015

Let Me Pray About It: The Excuse We Use to NOT Act

Harkening back to an earlier post regarding justice and our responsibilities as worship leaders, I wanted to make all my readers aware of a MAJOR need and heart breaking crisis.  And I'm not asking you to make the typical Christian excuse of "I'll pray about it and see if that's where the Lord leads", cuz lets be honest, that's a total load of garbage.  Nowhere in the God's word did He ever say to stop and pray about serving the poor.  He asks us to pray, sure, but that prayer was NEVER meant to be an exit door for us to get out of taking action.

1 John 3:17-18

"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."

I'm not coming at this as if I'm above anyone here, I'm absolutely guilty of "the cop out prayer", I just want us to open our eyes together and stop making excuses for not making our love a thing of action.  So why am I so fired up about this today?  Well let me tell you...

In co-operation with the #WithSyria Coalition of 130 non-governmental organizations, scientists based at Wuhan University in China analyzed satellite images and have found that, since 2011, the number of lights visible over Syria has fallen 83%.  Yeah, lets read that again.  83% of the lights are out in Syria.

The reality here folks is that Syrian refugees now make up the largest refugee population on the planet.  Here is a little perspective on the massive impact this crisis is having.

Some of the worst humanitarian disasters over the past 20 years:

The Indian Ocean Tsunami impacted 5 million people.
The Rwanda Genocide impacted 4.3 million people.
The Haiti Earthquake impacted 3.5 million people.
Hurricane Katrina impacted 1.7 million people.

The Syria Crisis has impacted 12.2 million people.

Actual Impact of Some of the Worst Humanitarian Disasters in the Past Twenty Years - See more at:

  • Syria crisis: Impacted 12.2 million people
  • Indian Ocean tsunami: Impacted 5 million peopleExternal Link
  • Rwanda genocide: Impacted 4.3 million peopleExternal Link
  • Haiti earthquake: Impacted 3.5 million peopleExternal Link
  • Hurricane Katrina: Impacted 1.7 million peopleExternal Link
  • - See more at:

  • Syria crisis: Impacted 12.2 million people
  • Indian Ocean tsunami: Impacted 5 million peopleExternal Link
  • Rwanda genocide: Impacted 4.3 million peopleExternal Link
  • Haiti earthquake: Impacted 3.5 million peopleExternal Link
  • Hurricane Katrina: Impacted 1.7 million peopleExternal Link
  • - See more at:

  • Syria crisis: Impacted 12.2 million people
  • Indian Ocean tsunami: Impacted 5 million peopleExternal Link
  • Rwanda genocide: Impacted 4.3 million peopleExternal Link
  • Haiti earthquake: Impacted 3.5 million peopleExternal Link
  • Hurricane Katrina: Impacted 1.7 million peopleExternal Link
  • - See more at:
    So what is it going to take for us, the ones who call ourselves followers of Jesus, to take action?  When I see the faces of these children, when I hear their broken dreams, I see the face of my daughter.

    I see her in their shoes fighting for her life, losing what childhood she's had.  If these children were mine, how would I respond then?  What if this was your son or daughter? 

    I'm asking you to put your love in to action.  I'm asking you to forget about politics.  Forget about any hangup or religious view and just see people.  See children who are desperate and dying.

    The time to act is now.  Don't stop to pray about acting, just act.

    Put your love in to action here...